my feeds

Friday, February 24, 2012

digital storytelling

:Discuss the benefits and challenges that you anticipate from integrating video into your classroom. How can you best leverage this content to provide your students with enhanced learning opportunities? Do you use existing sources for high quality, relevant materials for your curricular area? If so, list the top two and briefly critique each resource. How can you integrate these resources into your curriculum in a meaningful way for your students?

I do not use this program, however, in today's day and time technology is the way many learn. With video games,youtube, and social networking sites, etc., students use technology everyday. Integrating video into the classroom would be a great way to engage the students. This might help students take an interest in subjects or lessons they may not normally have an interest in.Using video in the classroom, could also cause challenges. For example, with technology comes technological problems. If there is a classroom full of students and the video will not load, this could make for a restless class. It would be necessary to have a back up plan.

Thursday, February 23, 2012



The podcast is a great tool to use. It gives the student the chance to express them selves and open more chances to show how the can Show what they have learned.I think it could really help out with kids that are sick for a long time or students that are home schooled for what ever reason( suspended, injured, etc). it can really come in to play for those kids that need to learn more by hearing and seeing( SPE Ed).
The challenge would fall  underthings that are along the lines of the student being inappropriate .  All and all i think that the podcast in the class room and out for school use is great.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


 I think that the coaches on my team would be able to use wiki as a tool. we could use it to plan our strategy for the game, but with wiki if some one scouts a team we could edit the plan, also the head coach could use it and if he is set with his plan he can chose not to let us edit. It gives us so many options to discuss on wiki.


How is an LMS (Moodle) different from a standard teacher website? As you work with Moodle, what advantages do you see it affording your students? How can Moodle help you transform your classroom into a more student centered learning environment?

What makes moodle different then a website is that moodle is more interactive.  Not only does it contain the same amount of information as a web site but it takes it one step further.  The moodle site is an extension of the classroom. It allows the students to engage in anytime any where learning and all the classroom material are at their finger tips.  Moodle allows the teachers and students to explore more resources and to be up to date with real time events.  Moodle also helps the classroom to go "green".  All home work and in class assignments are submitted online.  By exposing our students to moodle and having them become more custom to working on it this will only better prepare them for college, as all colleges use this program.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Reflect on how one establishes a classroom culture where students respect others and interact safely on the Internet.First thing is to make sure everyone take a class on proper use of the computers. The class should include, cyber stalking, identify theft and the proper use of social media. The students should be told what type of sites are OK and what sites are not OK, for example no web sites that show unlawful fighting like gang fights but could look at sports like boxing. They should know that if the feel or see someone using the computer in the wrong way the should notify staff its for the good of everyone. There is a program in web 2.0 that gives the staff the option to look at all the computers and see if the student is on task or not. This would make the Internet safe for the students.


: Reflect on how the concept of Open Source content is compatible with educational philosophies such as the concept of the democratization of knowledge and development of an educated population.It allows for increase/ easier collaboration, it allows for more students to be involved on an even playing field it stops road blocks like location, income etc (if you have a computer and are in the area you can work cause its free to use). Individuals are able to branch out to different areas of knowledge based on self intellect

Thursday, February 16, 2012

skype/google doc

 With the use of skype in the classroom i think you could open the doors to communicate with students when every and where ever you like. It could really help to keep the class going even when you are not in class or school, for example when the snow storm came last year and the school was closed we could have used sky to keep the school going. The skype system was pretty easy to download i just did a few steps and bam I was in. Can't wait to use it, i have a brother in Germany that i know can see as we talk and friends that i can also video chat with makes the conversation longer cause i feel more close to them instead of just a voice, its like the Jetson's cartoon.
google doc

Friday, February 10, 2012


my feeds

Incorporating reflective writing into curriculum can help students develop an awareness of metacognition. What value is there in having students blog on a regular basis. It creates a since of belonging with peers. It allows the student to express their true feelings and gives them an outlet to talk about things. How can you have students develop a blog to be used as an electronic 
 portfolio? You can tell them to use the blog as a dairy and to see what things other students that they don't really talk to are doing and it can let others see what they are doing.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Diigo reflection

Describe your experience in setting up your Diigo account. The whole thing was very easy , it was simple to do just click and go. How could you use this with students? You could use it to show students bookmarks very fast and they would be able to find a lot of info about the subject in no time. It would be a great tool for co workers cause, they can at any time check and see the things you are finding on the web that they can use. Parents can use it to help them find what there child is suppose to be doing and could help the student  make there work better by have more options of info.

Monday, February 6, 2012

day 3

So far so good, we have had about 60 % of our players show up to off season training. Although they are very out of shape its a good thing that they are here. They players that are not here are the older players who dont think its for them or are involved in some type of other sport, which is cool we just want them moving.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 2

Today is 2/1/12 and there will be a meeting of the head coaches from each division. This meeting will open the door to talk about which players are stay at there level and which ones will move up. Most kids stay on a team for two years but those who are doing very well and are to skilled to stay down must go up to give the player a better chance to use there skills.